08 Sept





20 Sept





21 Sept




21 Sept




Visit by the Ambassador of Thailand

The First Minister met with the Ambassador to discuss the economic opportunities between the two countries and key sectors including education, cyber, tech and renewable energy.


Visit by US Ambassador to the UK

The First Minister met with the Ambassador to discuss the historic partnership between Wales and America and the opportunities to strengthen trade ties across the Atlantic.


Visit by Argentine Ambassador to the UK

The First Minister met with the Ambassador to discuss trade and cultural links, particularly around the Welsh speaking community in Patagonia.


Visit by Italian Ambassador to the UK

The First Minister met with the Ambassador to discuss trade links, renewable energy developments, potential tech collaboration and the importance of the Italian community in Wales.




08 Sept














15 Sept









23 Sept




*Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism’s visit to Paris & Bordeaux

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism travelled to Paris for the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup and to Bordeaux for Wales’ first group game against Fiji. During the visit the Deputy Minister met with the Mayor of St Denis at the Olympic and Paralympic Aquatics Centre to discuss preparations, met with the British Council to discuss their work in France, and visited the Musée d’Orsay to discuss the shape of tourism recovery since Covid and the Van Gogh exchange with the National Museum of Wales.  Alongside the President of Fiji and the Irish Deputy Ambassador, the Deputy Minister also met with Deputy mayors of Bordeaux for Tourism and International Relations, and leaders from the Bordeaux wine industry, to discuss plans for sustainable tourism and developments in the wine industry. A joint A


Minister for Economy’s visit to Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham

The Minister for Economy travelled to Alabama to Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama to promote our economic ties and strengthen our unique cultural bonds. The visit included the signing of an International Friendship Pact between Wales and Birmingham, and meetings with businesses and economic institutions from the region.

Written Statement: Ministerial Overseas Visit to the USA (3 October 2023) | GOV.WALES


*Minister for Finance & Local Government visit to Lyon

The Minister for Finance & Local Government travelled to Lyon to undertake a programme of events to promote Welsh culture and products ahead of Wales’ match against Australia in the group stages of the Rugby World Cup. The Minister attended a Wales Arts International showcase of cultural talent; met with the President of French company, Boccard, which opened its first UK operation in Broughton last year; met with the Australian Sports Minister to highlight Wales’ approach to using sport as a lever for developing meaningful international relationships, and hosted a food and drink showcase in partnership with Hybu Cig Cymru, Food Innovation Wales and Welsh food and drink companies.



*Note:            A Written Statement covering the ministerial visits to the Rugby World Cup will publish following the First Minister’s return from Nantes on 08 October.